Monday, September 27, 2010

Busy Weekend of Football, Family & Fun

Watching "Bubbie" play football

Tyler playing football

Tyler's Fans

Chloe with Poppa (in cousin Aubrey's Razorback cheerleading outfit!)

Chloe after eating a chocolate brownie with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce

Chloe with Noah

Uncle Rocky helping Chloe down the slide

A game of Ghostbusters between Rocky, Noah & Eli

My big girl!  Off to the Zoo with Jillian, Vikki & Amelia today!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Trip to the Zoo with Chloe!

Chloe watching the "Gibbon" (they look like monkeys to me!)


Lions & Tigers & Bears, Oh My!

That's one big turtle...ok, tortoise

Chloe watching the tortoise

Lunch time for the Prairie Dogs


Chloe watching the giraffe

Bye Bye Zoo!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Chloe Bear

A visit to "Big Papa's" house last weekend

Hard to believe Eli used to play on this!

Saturday night with Noah & Eli

Fun at the park with Noah, Eli & Kary yesterday

Pretty girl