On Saturday, Chloe & I set out to get her picture made with Santa Claus. I found the perfect outfit at Holiday House a few weeks before, and Nana had already bought the perfect red sparkly shoes!
The Clinton Library was hosting "Christmas at the Center." "Your child could get a photo with Santa and crafts & cookies followed. Chloe wanted nothing whatsoever to do with Santa! Crafts & cookie - yes! Santa - no way!
This is actually taken in the bathroom! I just thought it was a pretty background. Chloe said it looked like water!
After using the potty, Santa was on a break. I tried to get a picture in his chair...still no way! This is as good as it gets! Although a photographer from Savvy magazine got a cute picture, so maybe Chloe will get published!
Next we walked over to Heifer Village. There were sheep, bunnies & chicks for children to hold & pet. The chicks were Chloe's favorite.
Looking at the animals
This is walking back to the car. She was being so good & cute this day! We had a wonderful time together.
I'm glad we had a good Saturday because on Sunday Chloe was rotten. She got her first spanking...it didn't hurt Chloe at all but it broke my heart in two. I cried way longer and harder than Chloe did...