Chloe went to see Dr. Davis for her 1 month check up on Friday. Chloe weighs 9 pounds, 11 ounces & is 21 1/2 inches long. Both her height and weight fall within the 50-75th percentile. Chloe's head is 14 1/8 inches which is in the 5-10th percentile...but nothing to worry about. She got her second Hepatitis B shot and did great! At her next appointment, Chloe will get 4 immunizations...Nana will have to come with us for this visit! Today, Chloe went to her Papa's church for the first time.
Next week, Chloe will meet Jillian, her nanny. Jillian will work with Chloe and I a couple days next week to begin learning her routines, likes/dislikes, personality, our home, etc. We're hoping for a long and happy relationship with Jillian.