Chloe had her 2 year check up recently. She weighs 24 pounds, 6 ounces and is 34 3/4" tall. The doctor confirmed she is a happy, healthy, perfect little girl!
The Shankle's came for a visit last weekend and we went to the Clinton Library to see the Legos exhibit.
I tried for a good group shot & none of them turned I picked the funniest to post instead!
Eli's fave was Mount Rushmore
Tyler & Noah liked the Woo Pig Soiee as Chloe called it!
Big Papa & Grandma Clara came for the day
Chloe said, "Look Mom, it's poo poo!"
And it really did look like poop! Gross but funny! Can you tell we've started potty training?
Funny words from Chloe this week...She told Jillian that Noah to Chloe to shake her ronis in the kitchen while he plays DS. No idea what it means or where it came from..silly!
Just darn cute!