Thursday, January 20, 2011

Chloe Catch Up

Breakfast of Champions - Chocolate Cheerios & Apple Juice.  Chloe loves drinking her "big girl" drink with a straw!

Chloe loves playing with her new Kitchen.  Today the TV was on and there was a commercial for dish soap. Jillian said Chloe went to "her" kitchen sink and was saying "wash," "wash!"

After "cooking" breakfast for her babies in Chloe's new kitchen, she then fed them all breakfast.  This was one of the rare times she wasn't trying to crawl into the baby bed with the babies!

A couple new words Chloe is saying - Milk is "nilk" but with a very strong "ck" sound on the end and water is "watee."

Chloe was insisting her dogs eat their truck bites!

Most of these pictures were taken with Jillian's phone - they turned out pretty good!

This is a picture of Chloe when we were shopping a couple days ago.  I truly thought we wouldn't be able to leave the store without her purse...but we did!  Chloe's a little shopper!

Tyler turned 8 last Friday and he just recently lost his 2 front teeth. This picture was taken at Maddie's Place were we had Tyler's birthday dinner.  He said it was his new favorite place to have a steak (better than Coltons!).