Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Last Weekend of Freedom Highlights

I've had 3 day weekends the whole month of February using up the last of some vacation.  I leave for Vegas for a catering conference this coming Saturday.  I tried to make the best of my last weekend of freedom with Chloe. Unfortunately, Shane was out of town...so he missed out on our fun. 
On Friday night, Chloe had a pee pee accident in her car seat.  I had to take the seat apart to clean the cover.    Not to worry - the car seat did not beat me!  I got it back together after a short 30 minutes of frustration! 
This is Chloe before church on Sunday 
Also on Sunday, Chloe & toured the recently renovated Museum of Discovery.  We had a really great time! 

After the museum, Chloe said she was hungry & wanted a hot dog...which is a little unusual for Chloe.  Since we were downtown, I checked to see if Hot Dog Mike was out & about.  He wasn't, so we headed to Kroger, then home and grilled our own dogs! 
All of this was right during nap...but how can I say no to grilling hot dogs on a beautiful 65 degree February afternoon? 
I think the ground hog may be wrong this year!  Bring on spring!!! Chloe had to roll up her jeans to dig in the dirt! 
On Monday, we did some shopping for my Vegas trip.  Chloe says, "I Cinderella!" then, "Are they fabulous mama?" 
What better way to wrap up a Monday than at 4 Corners University Market? I've been hearing about the food trucks gathering at the location.  We love Hot Dog Mike, so we had to check it out! 
HomeGrown did not disappoint!  We had a jerk chicken taco with pineapple salsa and a blackened shrimp taco with apple slaw & fried avocado.  Delicious!